The MBV calibration laboratory will be closed for modification work from September 02 to 27, 2024. Learn more »

service & support

CAL­IB­RA­TION AND AD­JUST­MENT of your air samplers

Control is good, an exact inspection even better. The air flow of an air sampler significantly influences the collection efficiency and thus the microbial measurement result. For this reason, it should be regularly ensured that the air flow actually is within the defined specifications. 

With our digital anemometer MAS-100 Regulus we are well equipped to take over this task for you. The MAS-100 Regulus was specially developed for the calibration of MAS-100 microbial air samplers and calibrated in our ISO 17025-accredited laboratory. With highest precision we measure the volume and mass flow of your MAS-100 instruments in our service center or at your site and create a comprehensive documentation which pass audits without any objections.

If you are looking for maximum independence, we are happy to train you in the calibration and adjustment of your MAS-100 microbial air samplers. With your own digital anemometer, you will be able to calibrate your MAS-100 measuring instruments on your own.


Send your air sampler to our service center in Switzerland. Our experts will calibrate it quickly and precisely and ensure comprehensive documentation that withstands any test. At the same time, they provide preventive maintenance for impeccable functionality. This service applies to all MAS-100 air samplers worldwide: 

  • MAS-100
  • MAS-100 NT               
  • MAS-100 NT Ex
  • MAS-100 VF
  • MAS-100 Eco
  • MAS-100 Atmos
  • MAS-100 CG Ex
  • MAS-100 Iso NT
  • MAS-100 Iso MH
  • MAS-100 Regulus
  • DA-100 / DA-100 NT


We come to you. A service technician from our headquarters in Switzerland or a certified service partner in your area calibrates your MAS-100 air sampler directly at your site. This service applies to the following MAS-100 air samplers: 

  • MAS-100
  • MAS-100 NT
  • MAS-100 NT Ex
  • MAS-100 VF
  • MAS-100 Eco
  • MAS-100 Atmos
  • MAS-100 Iso NT
  • MAS-100 Iso MH


Calibrate your MAS-100 instruments independently with the MAS-100 Regulus digital anemometer. It is calibrated in our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. With the MAS-100 Regulus, a standard-compliant calibration certificate is issued for your microbial air sampler. The following microbial air samplers can be calibrated independently:

  • MAS-100
  • MAS-100 NT
  • MAS-100 NT Ex
  • MAS-100 VF
  • MAS-100 Eco
  • MAS-100 Iso NT
  • MAS-100 Iso MH

Step by step

  • Send your air sampler to the MBV service center according to the shipping instructions.
  • We register the serial number, document the instrument condition and carry out an input measurement.
  • Our experts calibrate your air sampler and perform any necessary maintenance work upon consultation with you.
  • A calibration certificate for the output measurement is issued.
  • Shipment of your air sampler with complete documentation back to you.
To the shipping instructionsYour instrument in service

Step by step

  • Send us your request via email. 
  • We are happy to submit a cost estimate and arrange a service appointment together with you.
  • Our service technician will visit you and calibrate your MAS-100 air sampler within the agreed scope.
  • Please note that we require a lead time of at least one month due to high demand.
Send request

Step by step

  • Send us your request for an independent calibration via email or call us at +41 44 928 30 90.
  • We are happy to submit you an offer for a digital anemometer and professional calibration training by our experts.
  • Conduct the calibration training of your employees and deliver your digital anemometer. 
  • Regular submission of your digital anemometer for calibration by our experts in the accredited calibration laboratory.

To the digital anemometer MAS-100 Regulus

Factsheet service and calibration training

Data and registration form for service and calibration training


We calibrate your MAS-100 microbial air samplers with the highest precision and ensure comprehensive documentation that withstands any test. The accreditation of our calibration laboratory according to ISO 17025 and the calibration of the digital anemometers in the ISO 17025 laboratory ensure the traceability of the air flow measurement to international standards. 

Our precision instruments are manufactured and specified to strict tolerances. We know from experience that too narrow calibration limits are not always effective in productive. We therefore offer you the possibility to define your own limits within which an input measurement and output measurement of the calibration or recalibration of your instrument must lie.

Entry SAS database 

Accreditation certificate



MBV's claim is: AIR. NOTHING ELSE. Therefore, we have our own calibration laboratory, accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service SAS. The accreditation includes calibration for air volume flow (liters per minute, L/min) and air mass flow (standard liters per minute, SLPM). All digital anemometers are factory-calibrated in this laboratory for air volume flow and used worldwide for the calibration of MAS-100 microbial air samplers. For microbial air samplers with built-in mass flow sensor (all versions of MAS-100 NT's and all MAS-100 Iso instruments), an optional calibration of the MAS-100 Regulus digital anemometer for mass flow in standard liters per minute (SLPM) is available for direct comparability. This ensures that exactly the same amount of air is sampled regardless of air pressure and temperature.


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